Photography Services

Beloved Pets and Research Animals

For an intimate window into animal life, nothing beats the eyes of a photographer who’s spent over five years researching animal behavior. Whether a beloved pet or a subject of study, we capture a variety of creatures in dynamic renderings.

Promotional Photography

Professionals and Events

If an aesthetically distinct representation of yourself or your organization would appeal to your audience, our unique approach to photography may be the perfect fit. Enjoy an organic shoot where people and places are captured in raw splendor.

Family Photography

Weddings, Baptisms, Meaningful Occasions

Capture the joy of the season and the vibrant tapestry of your family; we reveal the meaning woven into precious moments. Ask about custom photobooks, greeting cards, prints, and more!

Commemorative Photography

Achievements and Accolades

Immortalize life’s consequential moments with their gravity front-and-center. Our shoots aim to explore the contexts which drove you towards the mountaintop and witness your elation.

Contact Us

On-site services are available for mid-Michigan; consultations are always free.

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